how I work
Face to Face if possible, distance is not a problem as you can connect online from the comfort of your home with Sarah (see contact). Our work is doing research through the levels of the consciousness, finding the root causes of your problems and clearing negative energies and blocks with SRT.
A brief outline of the process.
Free information session
Initial Consultation to get a picture of you and your life
SRT Clearing work with a verbal explanation of what has been cleared
Check up after about a week, to see if there is a noticeable shift
Decide if additional sessions are needed
We can stay in touch for as long as you want
You can be in charge of your own healing process
Changes are made by positive thoughts, beliefs and feelings
Follow up sessions can include: Life coaching and/or; Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) / Spiritual Restructuring / Light Treatments / The Octave of Learning
Please note that SRT practitioners cannot diagnose, prescribe, or claim to treat or cure any disease. Only a doctor or qualified health care practitioner can diagnose, prescribe, or treat. SRT does not take the place of medical or mental health care. You will need to see your own physician or health care practitioner for the medical management of any health condition. SRT does not guarantee that your life or situation will change, or change in the way that you desire. You are responsible for making your own wise decisions and choices.
Marja Vraets-Guliker is certified by the Spiritual Response Association